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Marcus Wallden, Stefano Markidis, Masao Okita, and Fumihiko Ino.
``Memory Efficient Load Balancing for Distributed Large-Scale Volume Rendering
Using a Two-layered Group Structure''.
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E102-D, No. 12,
pp. 2306--2316, (2019-12).
[DOI] -
Kazuro Kimura, Shinya Higa, Masao Okita, and Fumihiko Ino.
``Accelerating the Held-Karp Algorithm for the Symmetric Traveling Salesman
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E102-D, No. 12,
pp. 2329--2340, (2019-12).
Yuichiro Miyamoto, Masao Okita, and Fumihiko Ino.
``Accelerating Human Genome Phenotypic Analysis with Bitwise Search and Batched
In Proceedings of the 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel,
Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 2020), pp. 258--265,
Vasteras, Sweden, (2020-03).
[DOI] - Jingcheng Shen, Fumihiko Ino, Albert Farrés, and Mauricio Hanzich. ``Accelerating Large Seismic Simulation Code with PACC Framework''. In Poster in the 11th GPU Technology Conference (GTC 2020), San Jose, CA, USA, (2020-03).
Ruiyun Zhu, Jingcheng Shen, Xiangtian Deng, Marcus Wallden, and Fumihiko Ino.
``Training Strategies for CNN-based Models to Parse Complex Floor Plans''.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software and Computer
Applications (ICSCA 2020), pp. 11--16, Langkawi, Malaysia, (2020-02).
[DOI] - Atsuya Nasu, Kenji Yoneo, Masao Okita, and Fumihiko Ino. ``Transparent In-memory Cache Management in Apache Spark based on Post-Mortem Analysis''. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2019), pp. 3388--3396, Los Angeles, CA, USA, (2019-12). Presented at the 6th Workshop on Performance Engineering with Advances in Software and Hardware for Big Data Sciences (PEASH 2019).
- Yuechao Lu, Boqi Gao, and Fumihiko Ino. ``GPU-Accelerated Randomized Newton Method for Fast Training Malicious Web Site Classifier''. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Security and Management (SAM 2019), pp. 95--99, Las Vegas, NV, USA, (2019-07).
- 岩﨑博生, 伊野文彦. ``省メモリ推論のための深層ニューラルネットワークの圧縮手法''. 人工知能学会第13回回汎用人工知能研究会, SIG-AGI-013-04, (2019-11). 12 pages.
- 那須敦也, 置田真生, 伊野文彦. ``Apache Sparkににおけるデータ依存グラフ解析に基づくメモリ内キャッシュ置換手法''. 情報処理学会研究報告, 2019-OS-147, (2019-07). 8 pages.
- 宮本悠一朗, 置田真生, 伊野文彦. ``ヒトゲノム表現型解析におけるビット並列探索およびプロセス並列処理による高速化''. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, CPSY2019-25, pp. 117--122, (2019-07).
- Kazuya Tsubaki, Masao Okita, and Fumihiko Ino. ``Towards Reducing Memory Consumption for Accelerating Genotype Imputation on the GPU''. In Poster in the Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology (APSCIT 2019), (2019-07).
- Marcus Wallden. ``Effective Load Balancing for Distributed Large-Scale Volume Rendering Using a Two-layered Group Structure''. 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点第11回回シンポジウム資料集, EX19701, p. 76, (2019-07).
- Jingcheng Shen, Nobuhiro Miki, Fumihiko Ino, Kenichi Hagihara, Albert Farrés, and Mauricio Hanzich. ``Applying PACC directives to accelerate out-of-core seismic wave simulation on a GPU''. In PhD Forum in the 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS 2019), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (2019-05).
- 椿和也. ``長大な参照パネル基づいたェジェノタイプUをを用いた高速化''. 大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科修士論文, (2020-02).
- 那須敦也. ``Transparent In-Memory-Cache Management in Apache Spark based on Post-Mortem Analysis''. 大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科修士論文, (2020-02).
- 井上達博. ``Apache Sparkににおけるバイトコードに基づくキャッシュ指示''. 大阪大学基礎工学部卒業論文, (2020-02).
- 向井敦彦. ``反復計算のGPUババルク行におけるススレッドの自動調整''. 大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科修士論文, (2020-02).
- 山田広俊. ``並列計算のための不規則な多対多通信における競合の削減''. 大阪大学基礎工学部卒業論文, (2020-02).
- 岩﨑博生. ``省メモリ推論のための深層ニューラルネットワークの圧縮手法''. 大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科修士論文, (2020-02).
- 水津大樹. ``マルチGPU環環境において大規模計算を加速するためのディレクティブ手法''. 大阪大学基礎工学部卒業論文, (2020-02).
- Jingcheng Shen, Nobuhiro Miki, and Fumihiko Ino. ``Evolving PACC framework with data-centric optimizations for out-of-core stencil computation''. In User Feedback session in the OpenACC Annual Meeting (OpenACC 2019), Kobe, Japan, (2019-09).
- Fumihiko Ino. ``Accelerating Distributed Deep Learning on a GPU-Cycle Sharing System''. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology (APSCIT 2019), pp. xx--xx, Sapporo, Japan, (2019-07).